All hail the May SUPO!

At Opus, we call our employee of the month award the “SUPO.” It’s kind of a long story, but essentially: it’s “OPUS” spelled backwards, and it sounds a little like “super.” This month’s SUPO is…

Our SUPO for the month of May is recognized primarily for how seriously she takes her responsibility to mentor and coach fellow Maestros. We were inundated by reports—especially from some of the newer Maestros—of this SUPO consistently reaching out and providing assistance to those around her. Her hard work and commitment to helping fellow Maestros produce quality work of their own are exemplary traits of TeamCS™.

What’s TeamCS? At Opus, we distill our recipe for great teamwork and customer success into a simple formula: People + Values + Methodology = Customer Success. We call this TeamCS . An ideal SUPO exhibits the qualities of TeamCS in his or her work on a regular basis. This month’s SUPO is no exception. Here are a few things her peers had to say:

People: “This SUPO really cares about the work she produces and wants to make sure she is setting her team up for success.”

Values: “Although she has been a mentor/trainer on a few programs, she has never said no to mentoring me on projects outside her responsibility. She is very detailed when sharing best practices and processes to make sure I get the answers I need—not to get rid of me.”

Methodology: “She  adds to the success of the overall company because she passes along Opus best practices with plenty of explanation so that our team can continue to expand.”

For her extremely high level of responsiveness (no matter her workload), her continued commitment to her fellow team members and to customer success, we are proud to honor Whitnie Ray  as May’s SUPO! Congratulations, Whitnie!

Does Whitnie sound like someone you’d love to call your teammate? Whether you’re looking for a workplace full of willing mentors, or you see yourself as a future leader, you might make a great Maestro. Check out our careers page to find out!

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