Announcing our December 2015 SUPO!

At Opus, we call our employee of the month award the “SUPO.” It’s kind of a long story, but essentially: It’s “OPUS” spelled backwards, and it sounds a little like “super.” This month’s SUPO is…

Our December SUPO is a consistently positive teammate who is always willing to cooperate, and open to new ideas. He has done considerable work to build Opus’ brand to more befit the strategic and creative work our agency performs, and he collaborates with many teams across the agency—his peers offered the following feedback:

People This person embodies TeamCS right down to the S. He inspires excellence and is persistent, even under deadline stress.  

Values: He has drunk the TeamCS Kool-Aid and is refilling the cups of all the other Maestros. He is in the spotlight, not just living the values, but evangelizing them as well.

  Methodology: From the eBooks he’s publishing to the photo and video content we’re consistently creating, he is showcasing our agency beautifully.

As a key part of Opus’ Marketing team, December’s SUPO works to position Opus as a thought leader and true strategic partner to our clients. He has gone above and beyond in his effort to shape Opus’ voice, embodied by a stream of relevant, engaging content. Congratulations to our December SUPO… Brian Carlson!

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