Glory to the June SUPO!

At Opus, we call our employee of the month award the “SUPO.” It’s kind of a long story, but essentially: it’s “OPUS” spelled backwards, and it sounds a little like “super.” This month’s SUPO is…

The SUPO for the month of June acts as an ambassador for the Opus brand, and for TeamCS™. She is often the first touchpoint of communication for prospective employees, so our SUPO plays a key role in coloring their impression of Opus as a company. Furthermore, this SUPO helps shepherd new hires into their roles, welcoming them to the team and guiding the onboarding process as new Maestros find their place among their peers. This SUPO plays a big part in spreading the values of TeamCS.

What’s TeamCS? At Opus, we distill our recipe for great teamwork and customer success into a simple formula: People + Values + Methodology = Customer Success. We call this TeamCS . An ideal SUPO exhibits the qualities of TeamCS in his or her work on a regular basis. This month’s SUPO is no exception. Here are a few things her peers had to say:

People: “This SUPO is always up for any challenge set in front of her, even if it means going outside of her comfort zone!”

Values: “You can always count on this SUPO to get the job done or stop what she is doing to help a team member. She lives and breathes the Opus values and makes sure that all candidates and new hires share those same values.”

Methodology: “She spends hours searching for our best potential new Maestro to ensure both capabilities and cultural fit.“

For the qualities listed above, and especially for her ever-present smile, we are proud to recognize Shereen Rodrigues  as our June SUPO. Congratulations, Shereen!

Do Shereen’s qualities sound familiar? Would you like to work in an office full of people who share her values? Check out our careers page to see our current openings—Shereen might be calling you someday soon!

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